“A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.” Oscar Wilde

"A man who does not think for himself does not think at all." Oscar Wilde

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Dining Out ... A New Idea

Each time I see the news 98% contains violent crimes, Trump's tweets, celebrity misbehavior and then occasionally there is a story that reports something uplifting. 

A few weeks ago there was a news story on PBS of a new concept in eating out. Its not a new nationwide fast food place or an all you can eat buffet. Rather it is a restaurant willing to go the extra mile to accommodate ALL its customers. 

How often had you looked around the restaurant and saw a senior being helped by another ... perhaps that person had dementia or Alzheimer's, or a child with Autism or someone with Downs syndrome? Maybe a person with a service dog laying by their chair. There are people who experience a personal discomfort seeing someone or even being close to a person with a disability. Folks, those conditions are not contagious. They are all human beings allow them the dignity and respect to enjoy life as you do. 

Eating out can be a challenge for many, their families or caregivers. There are now  restaurants that will go above and beyond to make that dining out experience enjoyable and successful. Those establishments will provide the accommodations that enhance the dining experience of someone who suffers from a disability. They have staff members that are specially trained to understand different needs and have the patience and empathy to help them enjoy their experience. 

This concept is called a Purple Table Reservation. While in its infancy Purple Table Reservations is currently available in a handful of restaurants in Massachusetts, Ohio and North Carolina. With a little help it could be become available nationwide. 

 Going out to lunch or dinner at a restaurant should be a lovely and relaxing experience.  It is something to look forward to, and many of us take the experience for granted.  However, many choose not to go out to eat because for themselves or someone they love it will be a challenging experience.  Let's help to change this.  Purple Table Reservations will change this.

Call your favorite eating place and ask if they know about Purple Table Reservations. Each time you eat out ask the manager if they are aware of Purple Table Reservations. Explain what it is and what a difference it can make. Learn more at:  https://www.purpletables.com/ or just Google Purple Table Reservations.

 It would be so great to see this logo in thousands of restaurants  from coast to coast.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Something to Think About

Last night 60 Minutes reported on the health crisis in Yemen. According to their report one child is dying every ten minutes. That truly makes me sick.

In short, they reported the problem is rooted in the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Or, essentially between the Sunni and Shia muslims..

While watching the 60 Minutes' story I began to wonder how many people over the milleniums have been killed in the name of God. Not being a fan of organized religion, my initial thought was probably more people have been killed in the name of God than any thing else. A rude awakening, my thought was wrong.That statement is provably false and historically inaccurate.

How many people have died because of religion is an impossible question to answer. I am not being fatuous or dodging the question it's literally impossible.

If religion were used as the tool of choice to get people to do the killing, then it were done in religions name. It doesn't matter that the actual reason was politics or money - the killing was carried out because of religion.

If you want to discuss incidents other than war, we cannot count the Holocaust as "religious" violence, since Hitler hated Christians and other non-Aryan races as well.

The Holocaust  was genocide, not religious violence. But even if you count it, the total is between 16 and 31 million deaths due to religion in recorded history.

Most wars have been about resources (give me your stuff), power (bow down to me, not some god), or political or border disputes. Only about 7% of all wars in history have been waged for religious causes, accounting for only about 2% of all history's war deaths.

In fact, anti-religion has caused more deaths than religion.Communist dictators enforcing their religion-free societies have accounted for more deaths than all the religious violence in all history. Mao and Stalin alone account for over 100 million deaths.

Now .... what does this history lesson have to do with a child dying every 10 minutes? That answer is both simple and complex.

If we were to put a group of toddlers (from 1 to 3 years-old) from all races and ethnic groups in a room together they would play together without regard to the differences. If we were to put a group of 3 and 4 year-olds in a room, each who spoke a different language they would still be able to communicate in some fashion. Prejudice and hatred is a learned behavior!

Walk into an operating room just after the initial incision is made on a chest or abdomen. The patient is covered in surgical drapes. There is a screen covering his or her's head. If you stood at the foot of the operating table you could see the blood and various anatomical features. None of which would give you a clue who the patient might be. Nothing says "I am white, or black, or brown, or Christian or Jew or Muslim or Buddhist." They are simply human beings. Their blood is red, their organs are the same.

We are all human beings ... when will we ever learn to simply get along and help one another?

This Thursday is Thanksgiving. Would it not be appropriate to demonstrate our thanks by helping someone else ... not with a hand-out but rather with a hand up.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Honoring All Veterans

Blessings to all my brother and sister Combat Veterans and to all those who have served our great nation.

I don't know who the author is of what  you are about to read but I do know he or she has written a powerful view of the 6th day of creation.

When the Lord was creating Vietnam Veterans, He was into His 6th day of overtime when an angel appeared.

 "You're certainly doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."

And God said, "Have you seen the specs on this order? A Vietnam Vet has to be able to run 5 klicks through the bush with a full pack on, endure with barely any sleep for days, enter tunnels his higher ups wouldn't consider doing, and keep his weapons clean and operable. He has to be able to sit in his fox hole all night during an attack, hold his buddies as they die, walk point in unfamiliar territory known to be VC infested, and somehow keep his senses alert for danger. He has to be in top physical condition existing on c-rats and very little rest. And he has to have 6 pairs of hands."

The angel shook his head slowly and said, "6 pair of hands....no  way."

The Lord says, "It's not the hands that are causing me problems. It's the 3 pair of eyes a Nam Vet has to have."

"That's on the standard model?" asked the angel.

The Lord nodded."One pair that sees through elephant grass, another pair here in the side of his head for his buddies, another pair here in front that can look reassuringly at his bleeding, fellow soldier and say, "You'll make it"...  when he knows he won't."

"Lord, rest, and work on this tomorrow."

"I can't," said the Lord. "Not until I have a model that can carry a wounded soldier 1,000 meters during a fire fight, calm the fears of the latest FNG and feed a family of 4 on a grunt's paycheck."

The angel walked around the model and said, "Can it think?"

"You bet," said the Lord. "It can quote much of the UCMJ, understands 'non sibi sed patriae', knows what 'de oppresso liber' means, recite all his general orders, and engage in a search and destroy mission in less time than it takes for his fellow Americans back home to discuss the morality of the War and all the while, keep his sense of humor."

 The Lord gazed into the future and said, "He will also endure being vilified and spit on when he returns home, rejected and crucified by the very ones for which he fought."

Finally, the angel slowly ran his finger across the vet's cheek, and said, "There's a  leak...I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model."

"That's not a leak", said the Lord. "That's a tear."

"What's the tear for?" asked the angel.

"It's for bottled up emotions, for holding fallen soldiers as they die, for commitment to that funny piece of cloth called the American flag, for the terror of living with PTSD for decades after the war, alone with its' demons with no one to care or help."

"You're a genius," said the angel, casting a gaze at the tear.

The lord looked very somber, as if seeing down eternity's distant shores.
"I didn't put it there," He said.

A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of  "up to and including my life". That is Honor and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Thinking About The 2020 Election

For the past weeks and months politics have dominated the news. Other major stories have been the devastation from natural disasters and the uncertainty of North Korea. All take their toll intellectually, emotionally and in draining personal energy. It is time to lighten the mood.

Subsequently, after a great deal of introspection and reviewing opinions of American citizens regarding their politicians, I have determined there is a way I can run for the office of the President of the United States without fanfare, campaigning, or spending a great deal of money and win that election.

The first thing I need to do is go to my local courthouse and file papers for a name change. The cost is minimal and it is legal. The main downfall is the time consuming tasks of changing/updating such things as driver's license, insurance, social security, etc. But, that is not even close to impossible.

Since doing those things take time the early part of 2018 would be a good time to accomplish this. Also, in 2018 I'm sure we'll see the advent of various individuals stating their intentions to seek public office. Giving the public a chance to think to themselves: "Oh no! Not that idiot."

Each state has specific laws and requirements to be placed on their ballot for an election. Most require a certain number of signatures to be added. With friends, and friends of friends, etc. I believe it would be possible to be placed on those ballots. Along with a running mate to be named at that time.

The remainder of the undertaking is easy. I just want to be placed on the bottom of the ballot as an unknown. The rest would be history. And, in January of 2021 I would be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

Oh, I forgot to mention ... the name change ... I would have had my name legally changed to: "None of the Above."

Have a great week.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

An Open Letter to President Trump

Mr. President,

The past eight months have been a revelation both for the American people and without a doubt their president. During this past week you have been the lead story on most news outlets both here and abroad.

Majority of those stories were not about your concern regarding the devastation caused by hurricanes or earthquakes. Nor, did they focus on your interest about the seriousness of the problem North Korea may pose. No, it was your rants on Twitter about the National Football League's players expression of free speech. At one point in time even calling for the firing of "those sons of bitches." A statement worthy of a ... worthy of .... can't think of an example but certainly not a world leader.

Much has been made of Constitutional rights this past week. Let me quote from Article II, Section 1 of that cherished document: "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America." It does not say a dictator or a king or any other omnipotent.

In that same section of the Constitution, the last paragraph of that section states: "... he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation - I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

On December 15, 1791 the first ten amendments to the Constitution were ratified and form what is known as the "Bill of Rights."

"Amendment I

 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Even though that paragraph begins: "Congress shall make no law ..." it does not mean the President can make his or her own laws. Review your basic anatomy of our government's make up. Three branches, Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Each is charged with specific duties.

These first ten amendments were written by James Madison in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties. The Bill of Rights lists specific prohibitions on governmental power.

While we as individuals may not agree with certain things, there are avenues to redress such issues. The polls I've seen regarding the recent demonstrations of freedom of speech do not support the NFL players taking a knee. Majority feel it is disrespectful. Among our veterans the feelings are mixed. Many of the mainstream media have reported stories of combat vets while not agreeing with the players actions say they fought for them to have the right to express themselves. Senator John McCain went on the record with that sentiment.

Mr. Trump, don't you believe it would be more productive and in the best interest of our great nation if you focused your energy on such things as helping those left homeless and without anything from the hurricanes. And, how to defuse the situation you helped to create with North Korea and try to have the doomsday clock minute hand moved away 12 instead of closer to it.

Do you think there is a possibility that you may be able to be presidential and not egomaniacal?

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Multitude of Thoughts

For the past couple of weeks it seems as if the news was like a chain of railroad cars all painted with the same brush. Not just one major storm in the Caribbean but three, not just one devastating earthquake in Mexico but at least three and not just one headline about our president's unpresidential bearing but several.

Hurricanes ravaged the picturesque islands of the Caribbean on their way to the United States mainland. After wreaking havoc in the Caribbean, on August 26th Hurricane Harvey made landfall at Rockport, Texas.

On September 2nd The Weather Channel reported it had dropped nearly five feet of rain. A large portion of Houston, Texas, the nation's fourth most populous city was underwater.

The morning of September 10th Hurricane Irma hit Florida as a Category 4 storm ripping off roofs, flooding coastal cities and knocking out power to more than 6.8 million people. Some 10 days later Hurricane Jose brushed the coast of Now England. At the same time Jose was winding down and headed into the northern Atlantic, Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico knocking out power to the entire island, a United States

The death toll continues to rise from these storms. People from across the country descended on the stricken areas to volunteer and help. They brought boats and food and clothing. Color, religion, political affiliation didn't matter who was helping and who was being helped.

To our south the same scenario was playing out. On September 19th a strong earthquake crumbled buildings and changed the landscape of some areas of Mexico. More quakes followed from the capital of Mexico City south to Guatemala. Just like in our nation color and social status didn't matter to those helping and those being helped.

A few weeks before the natural disasters reigned on the news, events in Charlottesville, Virginia was in the spotlight  A day of rage, hate and violence turned deadly with what began as a march of white nationalist and white supremacists. Counter protesters caught authorities off-guard with their persistence and determination. When it was over it was reported there was one dead and 19 injured.

Members of Congress voiced opposition to the demonstration and President Trump's subsequent remarks seemed to defend the ultra-right group of supremacists and neo-Nazis saying there were good and bad on both sides. Describing white supremacists as: "very fine people."

Across the Atlantic, in Germany a country with history of white supremacist, Angela Merkle the nation's chancellor, pointed out after a clash of like-minded individuals, Germany recognizes its history and refuses to tear down statutes  and other memories of its past. But, also noted laws have been passed forbidding such groups and it has zero tolerance for that behavior.

More recently, another world leader, Vladimir Putin seemed to hit a nail on the head when he described the head North Korea and President Trump as "children in a kindergarten." The only problem being both these heads of state seem to rule at times with their egos and without leadership a very dangerous combination.

And, on a final note,  I can't help but wonder if our president is the least bit familiar with the Constitution of the United States. The other day his remark about National Football League (NFL) players sitting or taking a knee during the playing of our National Anthem apparently magnifies his ignorance of this document.

At a rally he commented when a player refuses to stand for the flag he would like to see  NFL owners say: "Get that son of a bitch off the field, he's fired." While I may not agree with the actions of the players, I  do wholehearted agree with their right to perform such actions. I swore an oath to defend our Constitution. I have bled defending it. The First Amendment guarantees and protects freedom of speech. Yes, even the right of an ignorant man who was elected to hold the highest office in our land.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Rewriting History

It has often been said history is written by the winners. Perhaps, this is a fair assessment but there is a simple fact: History is History. It is something that has happened and has subsequently been documented. Whether we agree about the reasons things happened or like the outcome, history is based on fact. In the case of our nation, it has contributed to who we are today.

  In July 1777 General Burgoyne’s 8,000-man British army, which included German soldiers and American Indians, marched down the Hudson River Valley with the goal of splitting the states and isolating New England. Slowed by the dense forests and its long supply line, the army finally crossed the river in mid-September, won a costly victory against the Americans in the battle of Freeman’s Farm.

Now, 240 years later, we still remember this costly defeat of  the Continental Army. Yet, there was no movement to erase its past. Instead,161 years later the United States Congress authorized the creation of Saratoga National Historic Park in Stillwater, New York.

Now, today people are still dying as a result of our Civil War, The war between the states.

Statues of men of honor, integrity and loyalty are being defaced, destroyed or removed. For what purpose? Because they are now considered racists? Robert E, Lee, a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, chose to stand with the loyalty to his state of birth. According to all accounts a heart-wrenching decision.

Now, statutes reminding us of the role he played in the history of our country are thought by some to be vile. Yet, Thomas Jefferson's likenesses and exploits continue to be honored. But he was a slave owner too and is said to have fathered children with Sally Hemings one of his slaves at Monticello.

I recently read a brief article written by Miss A. Dunovant, whom I believe is a descendant of John Dunovant of Chester, South Carolina, a veteran of the Mexican-American War and held the temporary rank of brigadier general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War.

Miss Dunovant writes in a piece entitled "Rebels": There is a common saying 'Washington was a rebel, and we are rebels too." She goes on to delineate the differences between those two wars but the similarities are striking. (See footnote below)

We will always have differences of opinion. This is a hallmark of freedom. Our freedoms have been forged in differences and the moral freedom to embrace them. Some may say it is the right to agree to disagree. We must never lose sight of that. However, no matter the strength of each individuals' belief it must be expressed peacefully. And those beliefs must not be forced upon another that is not the freedom so many have died fighting for and protecting.

*Footnote - The text of "Rebels" can be found at this link:  https://books.google.com/books?id=Qhx3AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA92&lpg=PA92&dq=revolutionary+war+monuments&source=bl&ots=UTEfkX0hHr&sig=c8ft2pUm_s0ShQfaxv9Vz80PqqU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjLpYjlv9zVAhUGJCYKHTH2DfA4KBDoAQg-MAQ#v=onepage&q=revolutionary%20war%20monuments&f=false).

Friday, June 16, 2017

Honoring My Dad

We're never to old to honor our fathers. And as the old adage says: "The older I got, the smarter he got."

When I was a child, he was my friend, my teacher, my coach and my role model. As I grew older he tried to guide me into being the person he thought I should be. But, as a ripe old teenager I knew way more than he did. I had my ideas and they didn't fit with his.

I chose a different path than what he envisioned for me and a few years later volunteered for the Army to his utter dismay although he had volunteered and served with the O.S.S. (Office of Strategic Services a forerunner of he CIA ). I knew he knew politicians who could "pull strings" and keep me out of harm's way. In no uncertain terms I rebelled against that and eventually was slogging through the jungles and highlands of Vietnam.

For nearly 20 years we didn't speak. Neither of us reached out to the other, we were to much alike for that to happen. Then, as if the sun broke through the storm clouds we once again found each other. Although, to this day, I can't recall how.

Over time we became best friends. He was my dad and the best man at my wedding. My respect for him never stopped growing as we both grew older. Now, he has been gone for over 20 years and I miss him. I look in the mirror and see our resemblance. I review my actions and my thoughts and see his influence. And I realize how much like him I've become.

My dad may be gone but he is still my mentor and in some small way I like to think he can see me and is proud that I've become the man he molded.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Scary Reminders of Times Past

When I first started this blog is was to have fun, be a bit sarcastic, make fun of public figures and maybe, sometimes, raise awareness. Yet, since this year began it has become more political. We live in what is still the greatest country on earth. With that said, it also appears we have some of the worst leadership we've ever had in recent history.

Our country is fractured, divided and at times just plain ignorant of what is happening to us. This nation was built by immigrants. Not all of them had the proper documentation but they laid the railroad tracks that cross our country and worked in factories turning out quality made in America products.

Over time they became United States citizens. When our government recruited men to defend our freedoms the call was answered by both citizens and non-citizens. That is a remarkable part of our proud history. And, it continues today.

Many of us can recall seeing news photos of jackbooted soldiers going door to door seeking out what their government deemed "undesirable." They were Jews, gypsies, and people from other "undesirable" religions, cultures and beliefs.

I live on the Mexican border where people seem to gather in their homes afraid to go outside. The fear of government agents stopping them and demanding  papers. This is not a scene from the 1930s or 1940s in Europe. This past Friday morning ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) went door to door in an apartment complex just a few miles from where I live demanding papers and finally leading one handcuffed man to their vehicles.

This was not, as the government assures us, a person with a criminal background or a drug dealer. He is a family man who works a real job and pays taxes. But, because his papers were not in order he'll be torn from his family and deported. This is not an isolated case in my geographic area. Rather than target those truly undesirable people they are going after soft targets. Mothers and other family members who have lived in this country for 20 years without so much as a traffic ticket. While the undocumented gun toting drug dealer and criminals walk with seeming impunity.

I know ICE agents are not trained as bullies. But, as one old, crude saying goes: "Shit rolls downhill" seems to be a credible statement.

For the next 18 months or so we are screwed insofar as true leadership in Washington, D.C. But, with the mid-term elections there is hope. Start thinking now about making a difference and voting to install men and women of integrity. Men and women who will represent us and return our country to the beacon we once were to one another and to the world.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

New Month - New Thoughts

Over the past several years it seems political correctness has invaded every aspect of our American lives. There is of course the obvious exception ... that being Donald Trump, who just doesn't seem to have a clue about what that may be.

Recently there was a news story spurred by the action of one bar in the United Kingdom that shows political correctness doesn't exist in England. A sign was put up after one of it's male patrons harassed a female bartender/cashier.

“Why the female cashier is being nice to you,” the top of the sign reads. Underneath, there are two options  that can be checked: 1) “She is uncontrollably sexually attracted to you” or 2)  “Because that’s literally her fucking job you cretin.” The second option is filled in to note to customers that it is the correct response.

If an establishment here posted  a similar notice they'd have to hire an attorney to answer the lawsuits of the next day.

After seeing this I began to wonder just how much our two countries have reversed their roles after more than 200 years. We broke away from England to insure our freedom. Now, it seems the pendulum has swung back the other way.

We wanted out from under the puritanical way of life. But let's look at that. Their attitude toward sex is so much more relaxed than ours. Oh, the 60s don't count. The gay and lesbian communities have always been around its just that there no one makes a big deal of it.

Our forefathers demanded freedom of speech. Yet, (admittedly this example is pre-9/11) someone could put up a soapbox (for you younger readers that's a wooden box one could stand on) in Hyde Square in London and shout his or her opinion such as: "I think the Queen is an idiot and should should be shot." What would have probably happened is someone else would have stood on another soapbox directing the public's attention to the first speaker calling him an "idiot".

Using the same time frame, if someone stood on a soapbox in Jackson Square, across from the White House and shouted: "I think the president is an idiot and should be shot." He would have been arrested and locked-up. So much for freedom of speech.

How about freedom of religion? Another reason to seek our freedom. There's been considerable news coverage about that regarding the Muslim community.  But, I just wonder why there are still country clubs that refuse to admit Jews.

Just a few thoughts that have crossed my mind since reading the story about the bar. I'm not advocating we ask Great Britain to take us back. We still have the greatest country in history. It may be a little misguided and our political leaders may leave something to be desired but when this nation's Supreme Court ruled its still legal to give someone the finger ... showing them they're number one... we know it is still a great country!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Silence and an Oath - Memorial Day 2017

It seems each year we continue to add names to the memorial list. Names of those we honor by their sacrifice and names of places that once were memories of some distant geography lesson that have now become all to familiar.

I have but a simple statement. That no matter the location, no matter the perceived cause, our American military … our sons and daughters … our fathers and brothers … our husbands and wives … our loved ones … our comrades … America’s finest are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for a country they love and an oath they believe in.

“ …. “I will protect” …. “from enemies both foreign and domestic” …  part of it reads. It is an oath vowing to protect the Constitution of the United States of America. It is an oath so many have given their lives for … who have made the ultimate sacrifice. To continue our way of life … our freedoms.

The news media has helped our citizens follow the action of war now but they cannot portray the horrors or the bravery and courage of those who believe in the phrase: “Duty, Honor and Country.”

            Today in the silence of their resting places we remember those whose blood provides the reinforcing mortar that binds the words written so long ago by our founding fathers. Each generation, it seems, adds its contribution to keep our way of life, our beliefs and our hopes real. Now, in an ever shrinking and electronically tied together world people across the planet have seen what we have …. And they thirst for it …. Freedom.

            This year, more names are being added to the list who rest in hallowed places. They have died not only in the belief of that oath but in the hope that what they were doing will help someone realize the dream we are so fortunate enough to live each day.

            If we could listen to the words that might float on the air from the graves we might hear their legacy …. “Support and defend the Constitution” … its every meaning gives us what we have. Our great country is not due to any one man or not to any single group of men who govern. It is due to these men honoring an oath they took. An Oath I am proud I took and one so many have died for.”

            Whether it was in a German woods, on a French beach, sweltering on a Pacific island, freezing in Korean winter, crawling through a Southeast Asian jungle or wiping the sandy grit from mid-East deserts our troops have responded to the call. They have left behind a legacy for us to build on. And those of us who have survived all over the world owe them a debt that must never be forgotten and always be honored.

This is not a history of the dead … or a litany of the missing. I refuse to speak with an emotional voice. To recall the times of holding a dying man in my arms. To have tears course down my face with memories of friends I don’t know where they may be or relive the agony of their families

The silence is deafening . . . the silence is powerful. In silence I look to the sky and salute you my brothers and sisters. Let the silence remind us all of the absence of their voices

Let us not simply come together once a year to remember and honor those who gave their lives. Each time we hear the sound of silence . . . let each of us, in our own way, remember and pray.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Manchester and the World

This past Monday night the world was again rocked by a terrorist strike against innocent targets. According to reports, at least 22 people were killed and 120 injured in the attack by an extremist suicide bomber. Yesterday thousands joined together in a vigil in that city's Albert Square. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs and other faiths, as well as agnostics and atheists, all joined together to express solidarity against terrorism.

Around the world thousands of others came together in support. Nations showed their respect by extinguishing lights in mourning on landmark sites such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Empire State Building in New York City. Other world monuments were lit up with the British colors from Dubai to Hong Kong as the planet came together in remembrance and unity.

The message resonated, hatred will not divide the people of the world. Yes, there are wars being fought that are religion based but this has gone on for thousands of years and I don't believe there will ever be a solution for this. Each side claims what or whom they believe the supreme deity is on their side. If there is a god surely he, she or it must be laughing at the stupidity of it's creation.

To echo the sentiments of many: 'if there were no religions the world, the world would be a better place.' People might actually look after each other and care rather than use the excuse: "It is God's will." Just a simple yet surprising fact. In the Christian Bible there are many examples of God striking people dead from floods to plagues. Yet, there is no record of the "devil" killing anyone. Oh, and a second thought. Now we can cure the plague and predict floods. Does that mean God is losing his, hers or its powers?

Looking at today's population I would say that 99.9% of the worlds people are good. And standing with those in Manchester love can bring us together to stand against hatred. We must never let just a few evil persons dictate to the majority. Especially in the name of their God!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Texas Governor Ignores History

This past Sunday Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 4 into law. This law, which becomes effective on September 1st, bans sanctuary cities and clears the way for all Texas law officers to ask about the legal status of everyone they stop.

Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs across the Lone Star state have been and continue to speak out against such a law. It targets those of Hispanic descent. In my opinion it is just one step away from a law enforcement officer coming up to anyone and asking for for that persons papers. Reminiscent of dictatorships around the world throughout the past 100 or so years.

Gregorio Esparza, Andres Nava, Juan Abamillo and Carlos Espalier are just a few who must be spinning in their graves. They are among some of the defenders of the Alamo. Like so many who fought for freedom from Mexico they were Mexican.

Most of us are familiar with the names of Jim Bowie, William Travis and Davy Crockett who made the ultimate sacrifice at the San Antonio mission. We know Texas history regarding its independence and now the apparent decline into what could be called the mass hysteria that has overtaken our nation.

We are now divided almost the same as a century ago. Throughout our history there have always been segments of America's societies who have been the subject of prejudice. The Irish, Italians, Chinese and Jews. Now, it is the Muslims and Mexicans.

Governor Abbott, you are from north Texas and east Texas. Never have you lived on the border. I am proud to say my family has been here since 1827 ... way before Texas was a Republic. My home is on the border and no I am not of Mexican descent. However, my godfather was Mexican and through marriages I can proudly state I am related to Martinezes and Cuellars. Families that have been ranching here for more than 200 years.

There is no question SB4 will be challenged in the courts. Just something for you and the members of the Texas legislature to remember ... it is because of those heroes of the Alamo ALL of them who led the way to to freedom. Perhaps, you all need to read The U.S. Constitution. There is no place that it says freedom for everyone except ...

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Enough Being Serious ... Let's Tackle Real Questions ...

Whether you read the news daily or sit back and watch it on one of the many devices available I must admit rarely does it take on real everyday questions. The things people really want to know. So, far be it from me to dodge an issue ... or issues. Here are the questions that deserve answers (Spoiler alert ... they are not a product of my originality).


 Why isn’t phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

Why are there Interstate highways in Hawaii?

Why are there flotation devices under airline seats instead of parachutes?

Why are cigarettes sold at gas stations where smoking is prohibited?

How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work?

If so many convenience stores are open 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year why do they have locks on the doors?

If nothing sticks to Teflon, how does Teflon stick to the pan?

If buttered toast always lands buttered side down and a cat always lands on its feet, what would happen if you tied a piece of buttered toast on the back of a cat and dropped it?

If you are flying at the speed of light and turn on headlights, what happens?

Many packages read: “Open Here”. What should you do if you find one that reads: "Open Somewhere Else”?

Why is there a Braille keypad on the drive-up ATM machine?

Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

Why is it when we transport something by car truck it’s called a shipment but when you transport something by ship its called cargo?

Why is it when you’re driving and looking for an address or at a map, you turn the radio down?

Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

What would Geronimo say if he jumped out of an airplane?

If fire fighters fight fires and crime fighters fight crime, what do freedom fighters fight?

If con is the opposite of pro, does that mean Congress if the opposite of progress?

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

And finally ... 

 If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? Oops! That's a political question.


Friday, March 31, 2017


Recently I've seen a few posts on both MSN and Yahoo news sites regarding prejudice and proms. Both stories I noticed weren't promoting prejudice but rather illustrating how stupid and ignorant such behavior truly is.

Prejudice is a learned behavior. If one were to put a group of toddlers in a room with a few toys they would play and share without regard to race. Yet, as they grow older they are exposed to impressionable thoughts and actions of others which colors their attitudes.

As a child growing up I lived for a time in the segregated south. Water fountains were labeled: "White and Colored." Signs on a store front often read: "Colored  at rear door." Yet, as a kid who was not raised in an atmosphere of prejudice I would go to the "other side of the tracks" with my peers in search of enough kids to make a throw together baseball game in a vacant lot.

As to be expected when the teams were chosen it was the colored or black kids on one team and the white kids on the other. Those familiar with baseball know, at that level, there is a good deal of chatter and harassing talk from the team in the field directed toward the batter. If my team was in the field it was not unusual to hear: "Pitch to him ... that nigger can't hit." Or if we were at bat we might hear our opponents shouting: "Give him an easy one ... that cracker can't hit." And, no one felt intimidated or threatened. They were not hurtful words to anyone who was playing.

After the game was over we would all reach in our pockets and see how much money we had. Combining the coins we went to the closest mom and pop store. With a prominent sign painted next to the door: "Colored in rear." Consequently, a few of us white kids went into the store and bought whatever number of drinks we had the money for. Then, sitting on the curb outside, side by side, we'd take a drink from the bottle and pass to the child sitting next to us. It didn't matter if that person were white or not. We were all equal in each others' eyes.

In today's divisive world and our current climate in the United States perhaps we should look to the children that have not yet been tainted by grown ups thoughts and actions. Perhaps, one day, we can see each other not as Democrats or Republicans, or white, or black, or Hispanic or Muslim but as individuals. Take a look into a hospital operating room. When the patient is fully draped and the incision made. The blood is red no matter the color of the skin.

Let's join together to end this behavior born out of ignorance and realize how much better the world would be if we all simply got along.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Put Your Big Boy Pants On!

One headline read; "Dems Vow all Out War." Another alluded to 'GOP in Control.' Reading each story the same premise was evident and, in some cases, actually stated: "for the good of the party." A two party system of government has been part of our history since founding of the republic.But . . .

There is, however, one major difference. The representatives of the individual parties realized compromise is necessary for advancement of objectives towards a common goal. Or, to put it another way in today's world, parties don't rule it supposed to be the constituents who rule. And, we rule for a couple of reasons the Senators, members of the House and the Executive Branch seem to have forgotten or just dismissed as not important.

They were elected to represent us to govern the country for the us. To keep the United States of America strong. To keep it a leader. To keep it's citizens and those living here free to pursue a life free of shackles or fear of government agents storming into your neighborhood like has happened so often throughout history.

Our nation was founded to escape oppressions that are rearing their ugly heads today here under the guise of safety and security. Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Our founding fathers knew how precious liberty is. Many of them sacrificed immeasurably to insure our freedom and see the birth of a nation like never before.

The concerns of today should not be the strength of a political party but the strength of our country. You were sent to represent us "the People" not "the party."

Our elected officials are acting like 5th graders in the school playground. Its time to put your  big boy pants on and act for the better of the country not the status of your party!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Senior Health Care Solution

Before you continue to the body of today's post I must issue a disclaimer.

I do not advocate violence nor do I mean to promote harming any individual. With that said, here is a proposal to solve our seniors health care issues and help to insure our country becomes a better place for all.

So,you're a senior citizen and the government says no health care or pension for you, what do you do?

This plan gives anyone over the age of 65 a gun of your choice and 4 rounds of ammunition. Now, you can shoot 2 Senators, 1 Congressman and 1 Lobbyist. Of course, this means you will be sent to prison where you will get 3 meals a day, a roof over your head and all the health care you need! New teeth, not a problem. Need glasses, great. New hip, knees, kidney, lungs, heart. All covered. And who will be paying for all this? The same government that just told you that you are  too old for health care. Plus, because you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any income taxes anymore.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

What is an American

There are times we read and saved an article but failed to credit its author or where it was originally published. I don't recall when this was published or where but it is attributed to an Australian dentist. He or she wrote the piece after allegedly reading a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.

Whether this is fact or fiction I can't say. But, I most certainly can say I agree with the content this person penned. And, if we all remembered this the divisiveness our nation faces today just possibly could melt into unity. Judge for yourself.

An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German,Spanish,Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani, or Afghan. An American may also be a Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navajo, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.

An American is Christian, or they could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan. The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses. An American is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.

An American is from the most prosperous land in the history of the world. 

The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the God given right of each person the pursuit of happiness. 

An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need. When Afghanistan was overrun by the Soviet Army in 1979, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country. As of the morning of September 11, 2001, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan. 

Americans welcome the best. The best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best athletes. But they also welcome the least. The national symbol of America, The Statue of Liberty, welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest  tossed. These in fact are the people who built America. Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11th  earning a better life for their families. I've been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 other countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.

So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and every bloodthirsty tyrant in the last 200 years of history of the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

A New Level of Arrogance and Ignorance

Following the presidential election I vowed to myself I would do my best to be objective and give our new president a chance. Yet, within less than  two weeks after assuming the highest office in this country and the title of the "leader of the free world" Donald Trump brings a new level of arrogance and ignorance to the presidency.

Not only is it a new level of arrogancy but it appears a new level of ignorance. Reading the news this morning all I could see was just how arrogant and how ignorant Trump is. It would also seem he has no respect for the office he holds.

The first thing my eyes focused on was that he called a federal jurist: "a so called judge." Does he not respect anything? I have usually tried to refrain from utilizing profanity in my blog posts (not always but usually). However, the looming question in my mind now is: "Is he fucking crazy?"

To ban immigrants, revoke visas, stop refugees from seeking asylum, spending the weekend in Florida hosting two events that will benefit his businesses, including a Superbowl party, a draft plan to cut off food stamps for immigrants that could cause some U.S. citizens to go hungry and a directive he reportedly signed stating his female staff should "dress like women" is demeaning and simply out of touch with reality.

But, then again, it would seem he is out of touch with reality. In less than two weeks Trump's actions have alienated a good portion of the world, brought us closer to confrontation and made our nation less secure than it has been in years.

His arrogance is not just on display for all to see but extends to members of his own staff and cabinet. Perhaps a wall should be built ... one that contains Mr.Trump and protects not only our country but the rest of the world from his ignorance!

Friday, January 27, 2017

The True Cost of a Border Wall

As a child I remember playing baseball in open lots. A throw together game where we chose teams and played for hours. No different than kids anywhere in the U.S.A. Ah! But wait ... it was different we were playing across the border in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, just a quick bike ride away from home in Laredo.

There really was no difference between the two cities with the exception one was in the United States and the other in Mexico. For generations people went back and forth across the Rio Grande and that continues today. For families live who on both sides of the border visiting back and forth all along the 1,954 miles.

On any given day you can see people from the U.S. shopping in Mexico and Mexicans coming across to shop in America. The economy is evident watching semi-trucks and trains travelling in and out of each country. But, now much of the foot and car coming from Mexico has slowed immensely due to the uncertainty of President's plans that will adversely affect both nations. The peso has dropped and Mexico's economic future is uncertain.

U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-El Paso, recently attacked President Donald Trump’s immigration and trade plans as a threat to the North American economy and described the president’s reasoning for building a wall on the southern border as “racist.”

 “In my lifetime, and I’m 44 years old, we’ve never had such a serious situation at our U.S.-Mexico border in our bilateral relationship with Mexico, and if it continues, it’s going to be deeply devastating to the state of Texas,” O’Rourke told reporters outside the Texas Capitol in Austin.

Now, with recent events, credible economic forecasts, the cost of our new President's plans many of his own party are having second thoughts about the wisdom of such actions.

Yes, many people are still crossing illegally. They always have and they always will. But, majority of those, often risking their lives to get here, are searching for a better life, a safe life and are productive. Those with criminal intent are a true minority and like kind can be found among our own citizens.

In so many ways a wall will create more problems than it will solve for both countries. They will range from moral to economic and changing the way border cities and towns have been for generations. Those who sit on Capital Hill and walk past the statuary lining the marble halls should actually spend time walking the streets from McAllen to El Paso, Texas and across New Mexico and Arizona to San Diego, California. To truly see and experience the people. And remember how our nation flourished not because of walls or rich, old, white men but because of welcoming all who came in search of a better life and the strength brought by the diversity,

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Censorship and Prejudice in The Land of the Free?

The earliest record of censorship dates back to 399 BC when Socrates defied the Greek state to censor his teachings. Subsequently, he was sentenced to death by drinking a poison.  History is filled with examples of censorship from then until now. Ten years before our country was born Sweden became the first nation in 1766 to abolish censorship by law.

Discrimination has been recorded almost since the written word. If someone were different by virtue of their race, religion or beliefs history records a myriad of events. Many founded in religious differences or gender equality. Probably the first example affected women. In ancient times women were counted only as mere tool or servant.

The rational for censorship may be different for the various types of information censored. They may fall into the categories of: moral, military, political, religious and corporate. One description of political censorship is for it to occur when governments hold back information from their citizens.This is often done to exert control over the populace. The most memorable in modern times was the persecution of Jews under Hitler's regime. But religious censorship can also include the time when armies of Christians from western Europe answered Pope Urban's call to go to war against Muslim forces.

Transparency  has always been a hallmark of America's democracy. We elected our officials to represent us and they work for us. We pay their salaries through our taxes and we must demand openness and fairness in their governing. The obvious exception being that of national security.

Reading today's headlines reporting what President Trump has done regarding a media blackout of various government agencies and his idea of closing our borders based on one's country of origin and religion are contrary to what made America great. Perhaps the Washington Post and New York Times banner headline should read: "You are President not King!"

Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Historic New Day

Today has been a historic new day. It is the first full day of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

During President's Trump's inauguration speech he noted he wanted to unite our nation but I wonder if the today's marches and demonstrations held all around the world were what he meant by unification.

In our nation's capital an estimated a half a million people packed the streets in solidarity to show support for Women's Rights, Health Care, Equality for all people amopng other things  and to send a strong message to the new president.

They descended on Washington, D.C. arriving by car, bus, train and airplane. Tens of thousands of women from across the country, of all ages, and races and jobs and religions. Union workers and retirees, ER nurses and college students and such celebrities as Madonna and Cher. Many were accompanied by male friends and family and other supporters.

Not only did their fervor for basic human rights ignite a spark that reached cities and towns across America but traveled around the globe. The Women's March on Washington ignited solidarity of both women and men in cities like: London, Berlin, Paris, Mexico City, and Sydney. Sister marches took place in 70 countries spread across the continents.

Many were protesting the messages of the election campaign when Trump was seen misogynist, racist and hateful by many. Pink hats adorned the heads of many around the world. Women brought their daughters and men their sons to, as one man said: "I want my son to have positive male role models in the world, and I worry about the impact of a man like Trump, whose said the things he has about women, on young men growing up."

I doubt very much this is the unification President Trump spoke of yesterday. But, perhaps he knows and understands the power of anger or of providing a common ground for people to rally around to bring them together. Maybe, just maybe, he is crazy as a fox. We know he is intelligent. We know he is now the President of the United States. Regardless of your personal thoughts, we should also know enough, to at least give him a chance.