“A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.” Oscar Wilde

"A man who does not think for himself does not think at all." Oscar Wilde

Friday, February 24, 2017

Put Your Big Boy Pants On!

One headline read; "Dems Vow all Out War." Another alluded to 'GOP in Control.' Reading each story the same premise was evident and, in some cases, actually stated: "for the good of the party." A two party system of government has been part of our history since founding of the republic.But . . .

There is, however, one major difference. The representatives of the individual parties realized compromise is necessary for advancement of objectives towards a common goal. Or, to put it another way in today's world, parties don't rule it supposed to be the constituents who rule. And, we rule for a couple of reasons the Senators, members of the House and the Executive Branch seem to have forgotten or just dismissed as not important.

They were elected to represent us to govern the country for the us. To keep the United States of America strong. To keep it a leader. To keep it's citizens and those living here free to pursue a life free of shackles or fear of government agents storming into your neighborhood like has happened so often throughout history.

Our nation was founded to escape oppressions that are rearing their ugly heads today here under the guise of safety and security. Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Our founding fathers knew how precious liberty is. Many of them sacrificed immeasurably to insure our freedom and see the birth of a nation like never before.

The concerns of today should not be the strength of a political party but the strength of our country. You were sent to represent us "the People" not "the party."

Our elected officials are acting like 5th graders in the school playground. Its time to put your  big boy pants on and act for the better of the country not the status of your party!

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