“A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.” Oscar Wilde

"A man who does not think for himself does not think at all." Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

New Month - New Thoughts

Over the past several years it seems political correctness has invaded every aspect of our American lives. There is of course the obvious exception ... that being Donald Trump, who just doesn't seem to have a clue about what that may be.

Recently there was a news story spurred by the action of one bar in the United Kingdom that shows political correctness doesn't exist in England. A sign was put up after one of it's male patrons harassed a female bartender/cashier.

“Why the female cashier is being nice to you,” the top of the sign reads. Underneath, there are two options  that can be checked: 1) “She is uncontrollably sexually attracted to you” or 2)  “Because that’s literally her fucking job you cretin.” The second option is filled in to note to customers that it is the correct response.

If an establishment here posted  a similar notice they'd have to hire an attorney to answer the lawsuits of the next day.

After seeing this I began to wonder just how much our two countries have reversed their roles after more than 200 years. We broke away from England to insure our freedom. Now, it seems the pendulum has swung back the other way.

We wanted out from under the puritanical way of life. But let's look at that. Their attitude toward sex is so much more relaxed than ours. Oh, the 60s don't count. The gay and lesbian communities have always been around its just that there no one makes a big deal of it.

Our forefathers demanded freedom of speech. Yet, (admittedly this example is pre-9/11) someone could put up a soapbox (for you younger readers that's a wooden box one could stand on) in Hyde Square in London and shout his or her opinion such as: "I think the Queen is an idiot and should should be shot." What would have probably happened is someone else would have stood on another soapbox directing the public's attention to the first speaker calling him an "idiot".

Using the same time frame, if someone stood on a soapbox in Jackson Square, across from the White House and shouted: "I think the president is an idiot and should be shot." He would have been arrested and locked-up. So much for freedom of speech.

How about freedom of religion? Another reason to seek our freedom. There's been considerable news coverage about that regarding the Muslim community.  But, I just wonder why there are still country clubs that refuse to admit Jews.

Just a few thoughts that have crossed my mind since reading the story about the bar. I'm not advocating we ask Great Britain to take us back. We still have the greatest country in history. It may be a little misguided and our political leaders may leave something to be desired but when this nation's Supreme Court ruled its still legal to give someone the finger ... showing them they're number one... we know it is still a great country!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Silence and an Oath - Memorial Day 2017

It seems each year we continue to add names to the memorial list. Names of those we honor by their sacrifice and names of places that once were memories of some distant geography lesson that have now become all to familiar.

I have but a simple statement. That no matter the location, no matter the perceived cause, our American military … our sons and daughters … our fathers and brothers … our husbands and wives … our loved ones … our comrades … America’s finest are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for a country they love and an oath they believe in.

“ …. “I will protect” …. “from enemies both foreign and domestic” …  part of it reads. It is an oath vowing to protect the Constitution of the United States of America. It is an oath so many have given their lives for … who have made the ultimate sacrifice. To continue our way of life … our freedoms.

The news media has helped our citizens follow the action of war now but they cannot portray the horrors or the bravery and courage of those who believe in the phrase: “Duty, Honor and Country.”

            Today in the silence of their resting places we remember those whose blood provides the reinforcing mortar that binds the words written so long ago by our founding fathers. Each generation, it seems, adds its contribution to keep our way of life, our beliefs and our hopes real. Now, in an ever shrinking and electronically tied together world people across the planet have seen what we have …. And they thirst for it …. Freedom.

            This year, more names are being added to the list who rest in hallowed places. They have died not only in the belief of that oath but in the hope that what they were doing will help someone realize the dream we are so fortunate enough to live each day.

            If we could listen to the words that might float on the air from the graves we might hear their legacy …. “Support and defend the Constitution” … its every meaning gives us what we have. Our great country is not due to any one man or not to any single group of men who govern. It is due to these men honoring an oath they took. An Oath I am proud I took and one so many have died for.”

            Whether it was in a German woods, on a French beach, sweltering on a Pacific island, freezing in Korean winter, crawling through a Southeast Asian jungle or wiping the sandy grit from mid-East deserts our troops have responded to the call. They have left behind a legacy for us to build on. And those of us who have survived all over the world owe them a debt that must never be forgotten and always be honored.

This is not a history of the dead … or a litany of the missing. I refuse to speak with an emotional voice. To recall the times of holding a dying man in my arms. To have tears course down my face with memories of friends I don’t know where they may be or relive the agony of their families

The silence is deafening . . . the silence is powerful. In silence I look to the sky and salute you my brothers and sisters. Let the silence remind us all of the absence of their voices

Let us not simply come together once a year to remember and honor those who gave their lives. Each time we hear the sound of silence . . . let each of us, in our own way, remember and pray.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Manchester and the World

This past Monday night the world was again rocked by a terrorist strike against innocent targets. According to reports, at least 22 people were killed and 120 injured in the attack by an extremist suicide bomber. Yesterday thousands joined together in a vigil in that city's Albert Square. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs and other faiths, as well as agnostics and atheists, all joined together to express solidarity against terrorism.

Around the world thousands of others came together in support. Nations showed their respect by extinguishing lights in mourning on landmark sites such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Empire State Building in New York City. Other world monuments were lit up with the British colors from Dubai to Hong Kong as the planet came together in remembrance and unity.

The message resonated, hatred will not divide the people of the world. Yes, there are wars being fought that are religion based but this has gone on for thousands of years and I don't believe there will ever be a solution for this. Each side claims what or whom they believe the supreme deity is on their side. If there is a god surely he, she or it must be laughing at the stupidity of it's creation.

To echo the sentiments of many: 'if there were no religions the world, the world would be a better place.' People might actually look after each other and care rather than use the excuse: "It is God's will." Just a simple yet surprising fact. In the Christian Bible there are many examples of God striking people dead from floods to plagues. Yet, there is no record of the "devil" killing anyone. Oh, and a second thought. Now we can cure the plague and predict floods. Does that mean God is losing his, hers or its powers?

Looking at today's population I would say that 99.9% of the worlds people are good. And standing with those in Manchester love can bring us together to stand against hatred. We must never let just a few evil persons dictate to the majority. Especially in the name of their God!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Texas Governor Ignores History

This past Sunday Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 4 into law. This law, which becomes effective on September 1st, bans sanctuary cities and clears the way for all Texas law officers to ask about the legal status of everyone they stop.

Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs across the Lone Star state have been and continue to speak out against such a law. It targets those of Hispanic descent. In my opinion it is just one step away from a law enforcement officer coming up to anyone and asking for for that persons papers. Reminiscent of dictatorships around the world throughout the past 100 or so years.

Gregorio Esparza, Andres Nava, Juan Abamillo and Carlos Espalier are just a few who must be spinning in their graves. They are among some of the defenders of the Alamo. Like so many who fought for freedom from Mexico they were Mexican.

Most of us are familiar with the names of Jim Bowie, William Travis and Davy Crockett who made the ultimate sacrifice at the San Antonio mission. We know Texas history regarding its independence and now the apparent decline into what could be called the mass hysteria that has overtaken our nation.

We are now divided almost the same as a century ago. Throughout our history there have always been segments of America's societies who have been the subject of prejudice. The Irish, Italians, Chinese and Jews. Now, it is the Muslims and Mexicans.

Governor Abbott, you are from north Texas and east Texas. Never have you lived on the border. I am proud to say my family has been here since 1827 ... way before Texas was a Republic. My home is on the border and no I am not of Mexican descent. However, my godfather was Mexican and through marriages I can proudly state I am related to Martinezes and Cuellars. Families that have been ranching here for more than 200 years.

There is no question SB4 will be challenged in the courts. Just something for you and the members of the Texas legislature to remember ... it is because of those heroes of the Alamo ALL of them who led the way to to freedom. Perhaps, you all need to read The U.S. Constitution. There is no place that it says freedom for everyone except ...

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Enough Being Serious ... Let's Tackle Real Questions ...

Whether you read the news daily or sit back and watch it on one of the many devices available I must admit rarely does it take on real everyday questions. The things people really want to know. So, far be it from me to dodge an issue ... or issues. Here are the questions that deserve answers (Spoiler alert ... they are not a product of my originality).


 Why isn’t phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

Why are there Interstate highways in Hawaii?

Why are there flotation devices under airline seats instead of parachutes?

Why are cigarettes sold at gas stations where smoking is prohibited?

How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work?

If so many convenience stores are open 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year why do they have locks on the doors?

If nothing sticks to Teflon, how does Teflon stick to the pan?

If buttered toast always lands buttered side down and a cat always lands on its feet, what would happen if you tied a piece of buttered toast on the back of a cat and dropped it?

If you are flying at the speed of light and turn on headlights, what happens?

Many packages read: “Open Here”. What should you do if you find one that reads: "Open Somewhere Else”?

Why is there a Braille keypad on the drive-up ATM machine?

Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

Why is it when we transport something by car truck it’s called a shipment but when you transport something by ship its called cargo?

Why is it when you’re driving and looking for an address or at a map, you turn the radio down?

Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

What would Geronimo say if he jumped out of an airplane?

If fire fighters fight fires and crime fighters fight crime, what do freedom fighters fight?

If con is the opposite of pro, does that mean Congress if the opposite of progress?

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

And finally ... 

 If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? Oops! That's a political question.