“A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.” Oscar Wilde

"A man who does not think for himself does not think at all." Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Absolute Moralist Lives

In 1977 Robert J. Ringer introduced the world to a figure he called "The Absolute Moralist." The imaginary entity was highlighted in his best selling book "Looking Out For #1" and this character would reportedly "kill you to save you from yourself."

Now 38 years later The Absolute Moralist is as busy as a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. I can close my eyes and envision this Hydra-headed monster spinning to face all fronts it sees as threats. Gay rights, abortion and the right to die among just a few.

Yesterday the California legislature dropped one of the strongest legislative efforts in the U.S. to allow terminally ill patients to legally end their lives. According to reports, legislation that would allow doctors to prescribe life-ending drugs lacked enough support to get through committees this year amid fierce religious opposition.

In Texas the United States Supreme Court issued a temporary stay of execution regarding a law that would shut down the majority of the states clinics providing abortion services. If the law is upheld, there would be less than a dozen medical facilities providing such services in the second largest state in the nation.

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, there were 9,644,824 women in Texas between the ages of 18 and 44. Or, 38.4% of the state's population. That works out to about one of these clinics for every 964,482 women.

One of the definitions for the word freedom is the right to choose. Not, the right for a government entity to dictate morals.

Oh yes ... and if our current government, in its infinite wisdom, continues to have its way we may not have to worry. It may fall to an "Absolute Moralist" of a different ilk. The United States Army is cutting back some 40,000 troops from its ranks to save money. This after it had been warned we could not win a war with the proposed number that would remain. Of course, with the current world we live in we as a country have no reason to be concerned right?

Ringer also authored another book entitled: "Winning Through Intimidation." Perhaps its time we as a people should send our elected officials a message. "If you want to win an election, we won't be intimidated anymore!"

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Let Freedom Ring

After more than 3 years I'm back.

Why the hiatus? A very simple explaination Google, in its infinate binary wisdom, refused to allow me to sign in and wouldn't help in any way to solve the issue without lightening my bank account. So ... here I am nearly 3 years later without adding to the giants coffer. Why or how I was able to re-establish my little part of cyberspace I have no idea but ... Let Freedom Ring!

So much has happened during my absence it would be impossible to wrap-up my views in a single post and I'm not even going to try. Nor, am I going to take on the highlights. Instead, I'll just start from today ... the first day of the rest of our lives.


This weekend is the 4th of July holiday and we'll celebrate 239 years of freedom. Our nation has come a long way since the founding fathers declared independence.

In light of the most recent current events this weekend Freedom of Speech will abound. Politicians, presidential hopefuls and local figures will extoll or damn the freedoms our people enjoy. They will pit popularity against the rule of law and test the process involving "the will of the people."

According to reports millions of United States citizens will travel more than 50 miles from home this holiday weekend. AND, they will be able to do this without stopping at government roadblocks, or having to show travel or identity papers.

We enjoy freedoms other people around the world only dream of. The dialogues, discussions, debates and demonstrations are but one small arena of the freedoms we enjoy.

As we celebrate the birth of our country let us never lose sight of the cost of freedom nor, of its priceless blessing.

Have a great 4th of July and always Let Freedom Ring!