“A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.” Oscar Wilde

"A man who does not think for himself does not think at all." Oscar Wilde

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nine Years Ago

Today will be filled with memorial events of the tragic attack on our country. Yet, my mind seems to be more focused not on September 11th, 2001 but rather September 12th of that year.

It was a day when the impact of the suicide attacks really took hold. Flags were proudly flown on our vehicles, our buildings and every imaginable place. America came together. Americans joined together in a common unity. This is OUR country that was attacked.

Churches, Synagogues, and yes, even Mosques were filled with those praying for our losses.   The attack was on the very soul of our great nation. And, as in the past, when our country is attacked there is no division between our citizens. We are united.

Strangers spoke to one another and joined together to help those they have never met. On that fateful day everyday men and women were heroes rushing to help. In the days that followed people from across our land gave of themselves to help those who suffered.

Yet, somehow, over the passage of time it seems we have fallen back into a more selfish mode. The unity we had for time has faded. Our great nation is again divided in so many areas.

I can't help but wonder what happened. The values and hopes we all shared on September 12th are still there, we simply need to remember them and return to the mindset we shared nine years ago.

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