“A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.” Oscar Wilde

"A man who does not think for himself does not think at all." Oscar Wilde

Monday, April 26, 2010

Homeland Security ???

The recent passing of a new law in Arizona regarding the enforcement of immigration has sparked controversy across the United States. In my somewhat jaded thought process I thought I'd examine the bigger picture.

Since Arizona law gives law enforcement the power to question an individual and demand papers or a driver's license to prove citizenship in that state; what if someone is stopped and they look at the officer then respond: "Eh?" Does that mean they'll be investigated for possibly being a Canadian? Or, if there is a hockey stick in the back seat, can that be cause for proof of citizenship?

Caution - May be an illegal alien

While doing some basic research for today's blog I came across a few interesting numbers. 

The United States - Canadian border is more than twice the size of our border with Mexico. In contrast, there are reported to be a total of 1,798 agents during fiscal year 2009 on our border to the north. But, head to our southern border and the number is ten times that. Some 17,399 Border Patrol agents have been deployed on the U.S. - Mexico border during the same time frame, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

A brief search reveals 121 border crossing points with Canada and just 42 with Mexico. Now, just doing the math, don't you feel safer?

An interrupting thought here. I find it strange so many U.S. citizens will cross both borders to purchase prescription drugs, made by many American companies then exported, for much less than they have to pay in this country. Yet, Canadians and Mexicans will cross over the border to get medical care in the U.S.A.

While we Americans will cross into Mexico for cheap alcoholic beverages, Canadians cross into this country for the same reason.

All this is rather benign compared to the security of our borders.

The resources and manpower devoted to our southern border is well known. The war against illegal drugs and the violence makes headlines everyday. Often, during the hot summer months we are shown images of illegal aliens trying to enter our nation from Mexico and dying in the desert.

I don't ever recall reading, or seeing, a news report of someone freezing to death in an attempt to cross the much more porous and unforgiving border with Canada. Nor, do I remember any figures being publicly aired
regarding the number of illegal immigrants coming here across that 4,000 plus mile line. 

Yet, Canada is the primary source for terrorists entering the United States. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has stated, "... to the extent that terrorists have come into our country, or suspected or known terrorists have come into out country, it has been across the Canadian border."

There is no easy fix to this massive problem. I don't like the idea of being asked for documentation, "papers please." It is to reminiscent of repressive governments. Diversity is what has made this country great. Now, it seems, that very diversity is divisive.

We can only hope we don't see these fliers tacked to billboards across our great southwest. 

Wanted - The Frito Bandito

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