It's been nearly 10 months since I have posted anything to this blog but now the dry spell is over. Many subjects seemed to beg for comment during my absence and I am primed and ready to add my thoughts, observations and not so politically correct comments as todays' events unfold.
On Saturday, Afghan President Hamid Karzai thumbed his nose at the United States and, in my opinion, totally disregarded and disrespected the sacrifice thousands of America's military made for his country. Not to mention helped him rise to the presidency of Afghanistan.
"God forbid, If ever there is a war between Pakistan and America, Afghanistan will side with Pakistan," he said in a television interview.
He will side with the very country who has allowed fighters sanctuary in its mountains after they've committed atrocities in his nation, who has helped to funnel money, weapons and warped radicals to his war torn nation.
We have buried more than 1,800 men and women who were killed there and wore the uniform of the United States. Add the more than 14,000 who have been wounded and then try to imagine the loss and hardships for all those families.
The billions of dollars our government has poured in this war could have aided every man, woman and child if used in this country. Our economy would not be in shambles and just perhaps, the poverty level wouldn't keep rising.
To honor those who have fallen and those whose lives have been altered forever, my response would be to mobilize every asset and immediately redeploy every troop, every piece of equipment back to the very country that has saved his ass ... the U.S.A. With the message being you'd go to war against us then you are not an ally but an enemy. Survive or perish on your own.
Undoubtedly there will be those who would scream "human rights." Plain and simple .. it is not right to bury a fallen warrior who was fighting to provide freedom for that country's humanity.
Damn being tolerant ... let's be right!
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