In the wake of Saturday's events in Tucson, Arizona I can't help but wonder why anyone, anywhere would refer to our culture as "civilized."
To examine this description, the word itself, begs for such a question to be asked. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines the word civilized as: "Having a high state of culture and development both social and technological." It also gives another definition which is: "Marked by refinement in taste and manners."
After searching through many resources I was unable to find where to be civilized was to be portrayed as being mean-spirited, nasty, ignorant, self-serving, or just plain stupid. You know ... like Rush Limbaugh. (At least that's this one person's view).
I'm sure that will not endear me to some but I once had a T-shirt with big bold letters, C.S.I. emblazoned across the front and underneath was printed "Can't Stand Idiots."
The killing of six human beings and wounding another 12 people certainly isn't civilized. Some 2,300 miles away and about 12 hours later in Baltimore, Maryland two more people were killed and four more wounded at one location. I'm sure if I took the time to research in depth what occurred in that half day period there would be added instances of acts that defy the definition of civilized.
Among those who were slain in Tucson include a nine year-old girl, three senior citizens in their 70s, a Federal Judge, a Congressional staff member and a United States Congresswoman, who is believed to be the primary target. Across the country one of those gunned down was a police officer.
There has been some conjectures put forth that bitter, malevolent speech is responsible for such actions. In reading the various definitions of civilized I was surprised that I did not find the term "respect" linked anywhere. For to be civilized is also to be respectful. We can agree to disagree but we should not inflame those with whom we disagree.
We enjoy freedom of speech but with that freedom also comes the responsibility to be intelligent to choose our words carefully. I do not mean to be politically correct, I mean to assume the responsibility for maintaining dignity and integrity. Epithets and hate speech serve no purpose other than to agitate those who are seemingly incapable of thinking for themselves.
We all disagree with many thoughts and many people but most of us don't turn to violence. Here again it is a new year. Let's not just make a resolution to help each other but add to that to respect one another.
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