No matter what medium one turns to we seem to be inundated with political propaganda. Perhaps, its time to reform the entire system and "We The People" demand constitutional changes to insure a true republic.
We could start by demanding our lawmakers in Washington, D.C., both houses, adhere to Jefferson's original idea that it is a part-time job. They are to represent their constituents not the constituents that provide the most capital for their election. Have all Members of Congress rely on Social Security for their retirement, not a lifetime annuity for serving. On the same track, demand they receive the same health care benefits as the rest of the American population. Not the elitist perks they now enjoy.
As for a Constitutional Amendment, change the terms. Instead of a six year stint for Senators and a two year cycle in office for Representatives both with unlimited terms if re-elected, amend the Constitution to read one 7 year term for Senators and one 4 year term for Representatives. Oh yes, and no re-election bid.
In addition to being a United States citizen, they must also have served in the military. Along with such an amendment, this would be a mandatory requirement for the office of Commander in Chief.
Much has been written and discussed regarding campaign finance reform. We can honestly say America has the best politicians money can buy. Enact legislation setting a cap on the amount of money spent seeking office from any source. Eliminate special interest groups or Political Action Committees (PACs) and return the election to the individual citizens as Thomas Jefferson intended.
Of course, these are idealistic goals. In reality can anyone envision those in office now jeopardizing the status quo? NOT A CHANCE!
An ongoing theme to most election campaigns is "Change." If such a movement took hold and succeeded there would be change. And a change that would insure The United States of America was truly the land of the free in a government "of the people and for the people."